Shows and more shows, thought I'd have a little time off the films so been watching some small screen guff.
30 Rock - nice couple in the shop have been telling me to watch this for a while, and they were right it is good, we're only half way through season one and I'm quite happy to watch 3 or 4 in a row. Baldwin is surprisingly funny and Fey has more nuance than I'd expected. Hope it won't drift into Sex and the City territory though.
Warehouse 13 - well I love the concept and was teased by IO9 for a few months but sadly I was gutted to find the actual show much lighter in tone than I'd expected, I get the idea that you need an audience but the gags would work better with an actual dramatic serious background not some sort of kids show, oh just twigged maybe they were thinking of a US show like Dr Who, kinda like a family thing - don't really know what slot it's on in the States, should really Google it.
As it currently stands I can't see myself watching much more of this show, which is a shame cause I've loved the idea of a warehouse of cool subversive archaeological objects since Indy and I'd kinda hoped this would flesh out my childhood dreams from that briefest of glimpses. The whole thing isn't helped by some of the worst music ever and I normally never notice the music.
Dr Who Robots of Death - some vintage scifi - I'm running out of scifi these days, suggestions welcome, so I thought I'd dip into some classic Who. It's a nice little story of a peculiar society with some tempramental droids and it's Tom Baker so has drama even in the quiet bits. Caves of Androznia or something next.
Mock The Week, always watch this as it's a guaranteed laugh per minute show and it's got Frankie
Boyle on it. Only mention it cause this week I felt that I've been watching too many of these fake quiz show type things and they'll only stop making them till peeps like me stop watching. Ho-hum the state of our TV is depressing, time for that nutjob email to the BBC.
The Sky At Night - I fricking love this show, been watching it most of my life, apart from those lost Uni years, but it's pretty much the only science show on TV that doesn't treat you like an idiot and it's actually pretty topical. Plus it's got Patrick Moore, who is truly a natural treasure, like a British Buddha or something, lord knows who old he is but he's got plenty of passion for his subject & I hope they've got time for the recent
Venusian event in the next ep. Anyways I hope Moore lasts another 50 years.
Defying Gravity - a new scifi show and imo it didn't totally suck like say Virtuality, anyways it's middle budget effort about a grand tour of our solar system that's got a crew with a bit of a past and has some sort of mysterious object/alien onboard that only a few know about. Anyways I saw a few pretty harsh reviews of it online but I quite liked it; I thought the near-future setting reasonable and reminded me of
Planetes which was great. I also didn't mind the acting, Ron Livingstone is watchable enough and banked loads of creds with Office Space. Some of cast were pretty soap-ish but that's fine, I watch US TV so I'm used to sheit acting. Hopefully this won't get axed.
True Blood - I wasn't too keen on 6 Feet Under so I hadn't bothered with this neo-vamp drama but it's really good. Chock full of kinda-familiar actors this is a sweaty, dirty tale of a southern town with some newly out in the open Vamps dropping in. Only watched a handful so far so fingers crossed for the rest of the series.
Blues Britannia - tis on TV as I write, great show about the British Blues Boom.