Monday 25 May 2009

Couch based activities

Had a pretty nice Sunday bumming around the flat tending to my veg and watching the usual Sunday GP on the gogglebox, played a bit of PS3 and watched a few films. So Defiance the story of the heroic resistance of Polish Jews against the Nazi horde was pretty good in the end. It's a shame but Craig can be dreadfully dull. Anyways there's some exciting, realistic action sequences and the cast that can carry off the speaking bits - Liev Schreiber, grudgingly Daniel Craig & Jamie Bell all managed to do some decent work even though they're hampered by the strange half-accent half-subtitled nature of the film. Worth a watch.

Just watched The Intruder by Roger Corman - there's a retrospective of Corman on at the festival but typically can't make any of the viewings as I'll be working - anyways Shatner is actually pretty good ! Who'd have thought it ? It's a great little film about the race issue in smalltown america and if you can get past the terrible film quality it's a effective little piece about bigotry and mob behaviour in the sweaty South. Shatner plays Cramer, mysterious stranger, who manages to whip the locals into a redneck frenzy. Surprisingly good.

Also started watching State of Play, I kinda remember enjoying it the first time around and I thought I'd give it another go before I watch Russell Crowe mumble his way through the recent remake. Two episodes in and I'm already wondering what other great BBC dramas have I've forgotten about.

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