Friday 17 July 2009


Oh lordy I'd been warned that the latest McG flick was a bit poor and I should've listened. Terminator Salvation was awful: a rubbish script with plenty of plot holes and some terrible shouty acting by most of the cast, the only saving grace was a couple of decent action/cgi sequences like the Jumbo Terminator.

I'm back on the TV documentaries this week so I've been rewatching The Secret Rulers of the World by Jon Ronson. This is a fantastic series about conspiracy-minded individuals and events, covering Bilderbergs, Ruby Ridge, Icke and Alex Jones @ Bohemian Grove, all classic rational sympathetic investigations with Ronson's usual gentle prodding and poking around style. He makes Louis Theroux look like a tabloid hack. Hopefully with his books being adapted for the big screen we'll see some proper DVD releases soon.

Another fricking awesome show is The Rough History of Disbelief - a idiosyncratic look at the history of atheism presented by lovelable curmudgeon Jonathan Miller. This is an unashamedly high brow series and I loved it, a lot - shame it was only 3 eps long though as those religious types need some learning.

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