Wednesday 21 July 2010

Fraught Families

Alice Sweet Alice is a twisted little psychological chiller from '76 about a troubled girl suspected of murdering her sister at her first communion - only her estranged parents believe she's innocent but when more bloodshed follows they have to consider their daughter is a psycho-killer. Though not particularly original I quite enjoyed it to be honest, it quickly creates a weird atmosphere before jarring us with some sporadic brutal violence and kept me guessing towards the demented finale. The cast is pretty solid but the young actress playing "Alice" steals the film with a fine ambiguous performance as the potential murderess.

The novels of Stieg Larsson have sat on my shelf for a while now but there's at least another 10 books to be read before them so I thought I'd just give up & watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and see what all the fuss is about. It's certainly a good film, well acted, nicely shot all in all a solid Euro thriller but in my opinion really not much else - sometimes I think we give foreign language films an easy ride because its all a bit "different" but hey what do I know. Anyways the plot is as follows: recently disgraced journo gets hired by a reclusive millionaire to investigate a old unsolved disappearance and it gets all murky murky with secret Nazis, a seriously dysfunctional family and a feisty female hacker. Hope the books are a better.

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