Tuesday 4 May 2010

TVersity diversity

Weegie director Paul McGuigan's Gangster No 1. was excellent and surprisingly disturbing. Malcolm McDowell plays an aging, quite mad, crime boss looking back to his climb to the top/descent into madness in 1960's London. Flashing back in time from a black tie boxing match, Paul Bettany puts in an impressive performance as the young hood brought into the gang, who eventually kills friends & foes to achieve his goal in rather chilling, brutal fashion. Stylishly shot, well scripted and with great performances from Thewlis, Bettany and McDowell this is a cut above your usual British gangsterism.

Iron Man 2 is a decent enough sequel, there's plenty of natty fx action sequences and Downey Jr is still the most appealing superhero on screen at the moment but the whole thing was a bit too busy for me; if they peeled away the SHIELD/Scarlett storyline they could've chucked a bit more action in and still had more time to flesh out the Rourke/Rockwell arc too.

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